Saturday, March 10, 2012

Brisbane Scquilters group meeting - 10 March 2012

I was trying to think up some kind of witty and entertaining introduction, but couldn't think of one. Anyway, here are the photos

Anne showing off one of her Bronwyn Hayes stitcheries
Carol's amazing cathedral windows quilt
Carol also made this cute little Box from left over
cathedral window blocks
...and this covered grocery bag
...and more cathedral windows from Carol. This time a
work in progress
From left: Shaaryn, Margaret, Julie, Gail and Anne
working away
Block from Gail
It will eventually match up with this one
Gail passing round her farmer's wife blocks for everyone
to look at
Massive quilt from Helen
Jan and Robyn having a chat
Janet was making these lovely star blocks by hand
Funky finished quilt from Janet

Julie brought along these two carpenters star blocks 
...and this lovely green and red quilt
...and of course a bag
Karen was working on the "How will we get there?" quilt
...and also had this gorgeous bag in Japanese
Margaret had been making tied blankets from polar
fleece, one with dinosaurs
...and one that was doggy themed
She'd also made some lovely mug bags
Here are Robyn and Anne hard at work.
This was a pin cushion in progress by Shaaryn
Until next time...